Google Comparison Shopping Service (CSS)

Comparison Shopping Services (CSS) are services that collect product offers from online merchants in order to direct users to the merchant websites in order to complete the sale there. A CSS portal therefore is a price comparison portal, where different products, services and prices can be compared.

Advertisers are now receiving a sales advantage due to 20% lower click prices. To be more precise, this means that if a merchant bid of € 1 has been submitted through Google Shopping, Google will charge a profit margin of € 0.20 and only € 0.80 will be used for the actual placement of the shopping ad.
Don’t pay more than you have to

Visability of your Shopping Ads

We have first-class experience from over 500+ migrations & more than 100 million published shopping items.

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Benefit from organic traffic from our CSS platform with hundreds of thousands of visitors every month
Be the first to find out about new features in exclusive Google Ads betas for CSS participants
Get strategic support for your campaign optimization with our many years of experience

Increase your views & reach with Smarketer Google Product Listing Ads (PLA)s
More clicks with Smarketer as CSS partner
Lower click prices for better cost efficiency
about CSS at a glance
For whom is Shopping CSS suitable?
For which countries are CSS-Shopping ads valid?
Why should you choose Smarketer as your CSS partner?
What happens to my ads when we switch to CSS?
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By doing this David Gabriel, founder of the largest Google Ads only agency on the German-speaking market, puts a lot of value on premium quality ads, and builds on a fantastic team of SEA experts, who know their jobs inside out: Google Ads marketing.